

Welcome to Fishing Help Desk, we’d love to tell you a little bit about ourselves and our ideas. We have designed and implemented this site due to our love of fishing. We want to build a community that offers other anglers of all types a place that they can share ideas, lean information, have somewhere to visit, and a place that you can shop as well. Many of the products that we sell we have partnerships with the manufacture and pass along whatever savings to you that we can.

Recently I purchased my first bass boat and have been loving every second of being on the water that I can. With everything going on today, the water is a great place to escape. What we look forward to offering in our blog and forums are current articles and up to date information regarding fishing, boating, safety, and anything else our audience might like.

Please feel free to reach out with any thoughts or ideas that you would like to see in a site and we will do our best to incorporate your ideas. You can reach us by email easiest at admin@adminfishinghelpdesk-com. If we aren’t all on the water chasing our next personal best, we look forward to answering you. If we are, don’t worry, we’ll get to you as soon as we can get back to the computer.

Please bear with us through these early stages of the website as we navigate on putting the best site together we can (while still taking time to fish of course). And remember, we want this site to be as much yours as it is ours so that we can share our joy of the water!